Welcome to the Remote Visualization Service


  • 09.04.2024: The hardware on Robin has been upgraded, replacing the
    NVIDIA A30 GPUs with more powerful NVIDIA A40 GPUs. Up to 2 sessions
    can now share a single GPU. See this link for additional information.
  • 06.11.2023: the RStudio session is now available on the Robin cluster.
    Check the description of RStudio sessions here for additional information.
  • 16.10.2023: The Robin cluster and the Generic Jupyter Lab option have
    been discussed during a Meet MPCDF presentation. The slides of the talk
    are available here.
  • 12.10.2023: A new Generic Jupyter Lab software has been added to
    the options for the "Lab" interface. This re-designed Jupyter Lab interface
    allows for several kernels to be available via Jupyter, without depending
    on any Anaconda module available on the cluster.
    Also, the default values in the "submit" page have been reorganized in
    order to facilitate submissions on the new Robin cluster. In particular, default
    values for the Jupyter interface and software have been modified: users are
    encouraged to verify the selected parameters before requesting a session.
  • 30.08.2023: The new Robin cluster is now available for users with access
    to the Raven cluster (see this link for additional information).
    Users interested in using the Remote Visualization Service on Robin are
    reminded to initialize their sessions on the cluster once, before submitting
    their first session.
  • 27.10.2022: the "Advanced options" expandable section has been added
    to the submission page. This section contains costumizations for the
    selected session, if any is available. Currently, only the possibility to
    prepend the Python path of loaded modules in a Jupyter notebook is
    available. Appending the Python path of modules loaded in the Jupyter
    notebook remains the default.